Review Tour: The Pretty Boy vs The Bad Boy by Nicole DykesReview Tour:

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About The Pretty Boy vs The Bad Boy


I’m the good one, the pretty one.

The one who follows the rules and always takes the high road.

I’ve hidden my true self for so long, I barely know who I am anymore.

But I don’t know if I can do it much longer.

I love the race, but I’m tired of sacrificing my soul to do what I love.


I’m the rebel, the bad one.

I follow no rules on the track or anywhere else. I’m the obnoxious bad boy the fans secretly root for.

I don’t mind playing my role. I’m good at it, and it pays to be the dark to his light.

Until the good boy starts to get to me.

I’m confused and unsure of what I want when it was all so clear before.

They say good always wins, but is that truly the case?

In the race between the far too pretty good boy and the angry bad boy, who will actually win?

Only time will tell.

Jenn Review

3.5 – 4 Stars

This was a fun read, and as a racing fan I was definitely exited to see it featured here! This wasn’t an overly angsty read but definitely has a lot of feeling to it and I really liked Axel and Sebastian! I thought the start was a bit slow, but it definitely picks up and becomes heartfelt and touching.

Axel and Sebastian are both NASCAR drivers, both very good drivers and looking to win championships, but they have very different roles. Sebastian is the good boy, the pretty boy and Axel is the bad boy and they are supposed to be rivals. It seems they fit the roles pretty well until their attraction gets the best of them and they start hooking up. It’s all supposed to be very secretive, no one is out, and just sex. That’s it! Of course, that’s not it and as the years go by they start to develop very real feelings for each other, and on top that Sebastian is ready for some changes in his life and that includes coming out publicly while Axel is determined to remain in the closet to protect his career.

Once these two really develop and acknowledge their feelings, things seem to move pretty quick for them and there are a lot of decisions to be made. Sebastian finally has the freedom to be who he is and live his truth, but doing that means he has to give up Axel. Axel isn’t ready to come out, he fears doing so will cause him to lose everything he’s worked for, but he also doesn’t want to hold Sebastian back. I really loved seeing these two fall for each other, or at least realize they’ve fallen for each other, but I also really felt for them as they struggled with the choices they have to make. It’s clear how deeply they really do love each other and how sweet they are together. It’s really a journey of figuring out what matters most for these guys. I enjoyed how it all came together and it seemed very fitting for these two and their personalities! I definitely loved Axel and Sebastian together and am looking forward to more in this racing world!

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Meet Nicole Dykes

Nicole Dykes is a wife and a professional assistant/mom to two gorgeous girls. Currently residing in Kansas, she’s a lover of coffee, Kansas City Chiefs, and all things romance. She currently has over 20 published books with her Monroe and Adamson series being the most popular. She enjoys cranking up the angst level, making her readers cry, and turning those tears into the coffee that fuels her writing.

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Website: www.authornicoledykes.comCC_Logo_update_

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