Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Homeward by Andrew Grey

Title: Homeward
Author: Andrew Grey
Series: Heartward Book 2
Genre:  M/M Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 7, 2024
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Second chances only happen in the movies… right?
For the past several years, Matthew’s life has been one challenge after another. Keeping his sister’s four orphaned kids fed, clothed, housed, and entertained has him run ragged. Now he’s losing the kids’ mentor and maybe his job, if the plant where he works as an electrician shuts down like the rumors say. When his car won’t start outside the hospital, it’s the last thing he needs. Matthew could use a hero… so of course that’s when Lucas Reardon shows up again.
A-list actor Lucas Reardon returned to his Michigan hometown to say goodbye to his father. The last person he expects to see is Matthew Wilson, the one who got away. Lucas helps Matthew out with the car, the kids, whatever he needs. But really, *he’s* the one who needs saving. Years of the fast-paced Hollywood life have worn him down to nothing, and a deranged stalker is making his life hell. Matthew becomes his refuge. But relationships need time to grow and bloom. With the paparazzi breathing down their necks and a deadline on Lucas’s return to LA, can they build a life worthy of the big screen?

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Jenn Review

4 Stars

Second chance and single dad, yes please and add in Uncle Daddy and it just brings all the feels! This was a fun and sweet read and I was rooting for Lucas and Matthew right from the start!

Lucas is an A-list actor with a busy schedule, always moving from one project to another. But when he gets the call to come home to say goodbye to his father that becomes his focus. He doesn’t expect to see Matthew again or see him with 4 kids. Matthew was always the one who got away and it seems like feelings are still right there. Matthew never expected to be raising his sister’s four kids but that is his priority now and has been since she and their father died. And it’s easy to get swept up in Lucas and those old feelings, but the reality of Lucas’ career and those demands and the kids constantly weigh on Matthew and he can’t seem to see a future for them. It also doesn’t help that Lucas has some crazy stalker after him and now Matthew is in his sights as well.

I really liked the genuine feelings between Lucas and Matthew, it’s very easy to see just how much they mean to each other and how deep those feelings go. As I said, I was really rooting for them to figure things out, they both deserve to find real happiness and love and it’s tough to have it be right in front of them but they’re struggling with how to make it work. I was very happy with how it all comes together though, my heart was totally satisfied! This is a good mix of second chance romance, a bit of mystery and whole lot of love, oh and some really great kids too! I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it!

Excerpt 1

“Old friend of yours?” Rachel asked.

Lucas nodded. “The one I let get away.” And the man he had thought about almost every day since he left town. He went to the room and stepped inside.

His father lay on the hospital bed, eyes closed. Lucas was tempted to leave, but then his father’s eyes slid open, so Lucas came forward. “Aunt Rose said you were asking for me.”

His father blinked and opened his mouth, but no words came out. He raised his hand, and Lucas took it. For so many years he had hated this man. Every time he needed to bring up a well of emotion or strong, deep hatred in a movie, he thought of him, and every director and critic remarked on the power of his performances. But now, standing here next to him, none of that mattered. His father had always seemed so big, and now there was very little left of him.

“I never understood,” he whispered as he squeezed Lucas’s hand.

“What, Dad?” he asked softly.

“I never understood, but I do now.” He squeezed Lucas’s hand a final time, and then his fingers went lax.

The beeping of the monitor stopped, and Lucas turned away. At least he had made it in time.

Andrew grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then, he has lived throughout the country and traveled throughout the world. He has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and works in information systems for a large corporation.

Andrew’s hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing) He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world’s most supportive and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Author Links
All the Way with Andrew Grey
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Andrew Grey
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All of His Works)

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